About Us - Cerotek S.r.l

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About Us


Cerotek s.r.l was founded in 2018 as an innovative Startup from the intuition of a psychiatrist and medical director of several care facilities for elders and people with disabilities, supported by an engineer with entrepreneurial culture devoted to innovation and a company specialized in design concept and production of IOT devices.
Cerotek also joined the University of Turin (HST) for the "Safe Walk" project.
From march 2023, Cerotek is part of the innovative PMI’s register.

The company focuses on the development, the production and the commercialization of products and innovative services of high technological value, more specifically medical devices developed with advanced technologies.

Cerotek’s project, along with the managing software CentroStella, allows to offer a concrete support thanks to the electronic devices supporting TeleMedicine and TeleAssistance.

Silver Years,  to be Safe and Free

In 2022, in Italy people over 65 were the 23.8% of the population.
According to estimates, in 2040 they will be almost 19 millions (32.9%).
Right now, the older age group (over 80) constitutes the 7% of the population.

The longer life expectancy and the consequent aging of the population will bring the request of new needs in regards people management and their autonomy.

In a context in which Italy is the second Country with the highest number of older people in the world, Cerotek’s goal is to revolutionize the concepts of ASSISTANCE and PREVENTION, overcoming the drastic fracture between home and residential services.
With the growth of the Silver Economy, Certoek proposes services for TeleAssistance and TeleMedicine that guarantee a quicker intervention of the healthcare workers, reducing the risk of errors and facilitating the work in Residential facilities facing the lack of qualified operators.
This way, a safe and monitored context for the person assisted is proposed. It's a project that can modernize the SSN, allowing a better management of medical needs both in Residential facilities  and at Home. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life of the person through medical devices of high technological value.

In Cerotek you will find the design and production department supported by MDT-Italia s.r.l, company leader in ICT thanks to more than 30 years long experience in this area, for a correct functioning of the devices, the sales department with decades of experience in pharmaceutical field and the marketing department with a fresh approach to communicate the company's values and its products.  
Where to Find Us
C.so Vercelli, 117 10015, IVREA (TO)
Legal Residence: BAM LAM
Piazza Galli, 7 12061 Carrù (CN)

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